I Must Love Me Too

If you have neglected yourself,
make a sincere apology to thee.
Gather the "love-me-not-petals" of your life
and start counting "I-must-love-me-too".
In no time at all you have
a beautiful flower blossom within you. ~ Dodinsky Writings

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Carnival Fare Nutritional Info

With summer upon and the plethora of carnivals, festivals, fairs, etc. I thought it was the appropriate time to post this article that provides the nutritional info for some carnival favorites.


Where is the human being who decided it was a good idea to take a
dunk it in batter and shove it in a deep fryer? Well, whoever is
for making these 420-calorie-34g-of-fat creme-filled monstrosities so
at carnivals and fairs needs to be dealt with accordingly (not that a
life lived
exclusively in stretch pants isn't punishment enough). FYI, the king
deep fried Snickers are WAY worse for you, packing in a whopping 700+
calories each!


While fair fave cotton candy isn't exactly good for you (oh come on -
CAN'T really be surprised that spun sugar isn't nutritious, can you?!),
a 1 oz.
cone of the stuff only contains around 100 calories or so, no fat and
sugar than a can of soda. So while we're not saying you should eat it
day, cotton candy might be a more sensible choice than a lot other
treats. WOOHOO...PAR-TAY!


It may seem like sno-cones would be relatively light on calories--after
they're made mostly of ice, which is, of course, non-caloric (it's just
water, don't get all excited). The problem is all that sugar-laden
syrup the
crushed ice is drowned in. If you want to keep your sno-cone calorie
counts low, you need to do one of two things. You can either a. use
free syrup (which means your treat will likely be calorie-free), or b.
monitor the amount of syrup that is poured over your ice. Remember, a
oz. sno-cone with 6 oz. syrup contains a shocking 540 calories! Yikes.
with half the amount of syrup and your "cone" will contain half the
HG Tip: Sno-cone syrups usually contain 80-100 calories per ounce.


Ahh--the age old question -- burgers vs. dogs? To be perfectly honest,
neither one is a great option for you. And there are burgers that are
healthier and lower-cal than dogs and vice versa. Unfortunately, the
at the food stand isn't going to know how many calories these things
and if you ask, you'll likely get laughed at. So save yourself from
humiliation and be smart. If you do cave and order a burger or a dog,
yours without cheese or mayo, and eat only half the bread. Order extra
pickles to fill you up if you're hungry. And If you're lucky enough to
find a
grilled chicken option, grab it, as it will likely be lower in calories
and fat than
any other available meats.


Need something cold to cool you down? Choose carefully. Ice cream sold
carnivals is often premium (aka full fat) stuff served in sugary waffle
That adds up to a ton of calories--close to 1,000 of them for a large
jam-packed cone. Many vendors do carry individually wrapped frozen
novelties, though. So if you absolutely MUST have ice cream, consider
getting one of those. At least you'll have built in portion control.
yourself to one if you're dying for it, otherwise, if you can, try to
stick with
some ice cold water or a diet beverage and hold off on the frozen
treats until
you get home.


Wondering about the nutritional info on some other popular carnival
Take a peak...

Soft Pretzel: 340 calories, 2g fat

Funnel Cake (whole): 760 calories, 44g fat

Fair Popcorn (7 cups, no extra butter): 400 calories, 27g fat

Caramel Apples: 300 calories, 1g fat

Chocolate Covered Frozen Banana: 240 calories, 4g fat

What Are You Willing To Give Up For Food?

Keep telling yourself...it is ONLY food. 
We cannot let food have POWER over us.
We have brains, the food does not.
We can earn a paycheck and buy food,
Food cannot earn a paycheck and buy US.

Food cannot buy us.
But you know what ?
Food DOES have POWER,

Every bite we take past our actual need,
every bite we overeat,
food STEALS from us:

* our money

(think how much we would save if we ate only the food we need)
* more money
(think of all the money we have wasted over the years
on one miracle diet product after another.)
* our good health
(this one is a BIGGIE and the list could go on and on...)
* more money
(to take care of the health problems that too much food causes)
* our time
(think how much time we spend thinking about food,
worrying over diets,
going to the doctor because of obesity-related health problems,
looking and looking for clothes that fit,
and on and on)
* more time
(after all, part of each workday is spent working
to make money to buy more food than we need)
* our quality of life
(think how many suffer poor self esteem,
depression, bad relationships, etc.
because of too much food)
* more money
(on clothes that cost way too much)
* more time
(how many years of our lives will we lose because of food?
Many die early deaths from obesity-related diseases,
or obesity complicated situations...)

Yes, it seems that food "steals" from us,
but the truth of the matter is,
it doesn't really steal from us.

Let's face it;
we are not unwilling participants in this "robbery".
We are, in truth, giving all those things away,
every time we take a bite we don't really need.

Next time you think you're giving yourself a treat
and allow yourself to overeat,
remember that you aren't really
giving yourself anything at all.
You are WILLINGLY GIVING AWAY your time,
your hard-earned money,
your health, your self-esteem,
your quality of life
and maybe even years of your life.


Diet Damage Control

Diet damage control
(iVillage Article)

Why is it that we can have willpower of steel for days and then,
in one moment, lose all self-control and eat everything in sight?
discuss their diet sabotage experiences and offer advice on how to
deal with these inevitable blowouts.

So you’ve been extremely diligent this week, exercised regularly and
eaten all the right foods. Then Friday night rolls around and
you find yourself faced with some mouth-watering chips or an
irresistible plate of takeaway. Most of us give in and then
immediately regret it. To find some answers on how to prevent
diet sabotage, we culled some iVillagers’ suggestions from the
diet message boards.

Here are their simple strategies:

In the face of a tempting Indian meal one iVillager suggests, ‘Eat
really slowly. Chew each mouthful twice as long as you normally would
and put your fork down occasionally between bites. That way you really
get to taste your food (the difference is amazing), your brain has more
time to register when your tummy is full, and you don’t feel pressured
to eat just because everyone else is, or just because the food is there.’

Another iVillager says, if you know you are going out for a meal
with friends, ‘try and eat light meals during the day, but
don’t starve
yourself or you’ll end up eating the whole lot once you’re at
dinner.’ She also adds sensibly that, ‘Unless you’ve got a will of
iron, you aren’t going to be able to resist, so eat small portions
and try to drink a diet drink or water.’

Another iVillager’s approach is as follows: ‘I don’t have a drink
during the week because I would snack at night. During the week,
I concentrate on work so I don’t think about food. Weekends I
relax and get easily sidetracked, so I make myself buy healthy food,
except the kids lunch box treats and crisps.’

iVillager Stinny suggests one way to get back on track with your diet:
‘Before you eat anything, ask yourself how hungry you are, on a scale
of one to ten (ten being starving), and only eat if you are a six or
over. It’s a really good trick and it makes you think before you eat.’

As far as the emotional ups and downs are concerned, most of us are
much too hard on ourselves and need to allow some room for mistakes.

iVillager Blinxmum says: ‘Right, so you’ve had a blowout, which does
not a diet break. We’ve all been there.’ She adds: ‘Just put it
behind you. There’s no point feeling guilty– it’s extremely
counterproductive because you just start to think in negative
terms – how you can’t cope or can’t do it. Just forget it happened
and carry on as normal.’

For some of us, however, giving in to our temptations stems from
frustration due to our lack of progress. iVillager Karen explains:

‘Guess who didn’t lose weight this week??!! I really cannot believe it.
I’ve tried soooo hard. I gained 2lbs last week, and I thought I would
have got at least that 2 off, but no. I wish I’d not bothered now.
I’m so close to giving up completely and just staying fat. At least
I wouldn’t be so upset every week if I didn’t lose any weight, and
I wouldn’t be as obsessed by every morsel that entered my mouth.’

This type of inability to lose weight can be due to reaching a plateau,
where the body’s metabolism adjusts to the foods being eaten and the
exercise being done, and therefore slows down and burns fewer
calories, making it more difficult to lose weight. The best thing to
do is to vary your exercise routine.

It may also be worthwhile reviewing your food
intake and reassessing some of the foods that may be contributing to
those stubborn extra pounds.

Another question to ask yourself if you’re not losing weight is, ‘Are
you eating enough?’ One iVillager notes, ‘If you starve yourself,
then your body will go into famine mode and hold onto all its
precious fat reserves. What you might need is to eat regularly and
kick-start your metabolism.’

iVillagers mention other reasons for diet sabotage:

Having tempting foods in your fridge or cupboards.
‘Being at home is impossible. The cupboards are stocked
with junk food for the benefit
of my younger brother,’ says one iVillager.

Eating fattening food when you’re a guest or with friends.
‘I don’t want
to upset mother by declining home-cooked lard,’ one woman complains.
Peer pressure from friends who don’t understand how important your diet
is to you. ‘I’m going to be surrounded by women who are ‘always on a
diet’, but never keep it up because they always pig out, so I won’t
get any sympathy from them. They’ll say ‘once won’t hurt’ and stuff
like that.’

Feeling like you’ve strayed so far from your diet and exercise plan
that it feels pointless to go back. ‘Terrible eating has got me out
of feeling that I’m on any sort of healthy regime, so I haven’t

The best strategies for sticking to your diet are:

Take it one day at a time

Remember the progress you have made regardless of your setbacks

Allow yourself some mistakes

Stay busy and focused on something like work or spending time with
friends, so you have less time to sit around thinking about foods

Keep any tempting foods out of your cupboards

Anticipate the times when you might be tempted, such as during the
weekend or eating out with friends, and try to prepare yourself for
these situations with some of the tips mentioned above.

When all else fails, allow yourself a treat in moderation and, most importantly, enjoy it.

25 Non-Dairy Foods with Highest Calcium

Source: USDA

1) 483 - Cornmeal, self-rising, degermed, enriched, yellow 1 cup

2) 423 - Wheat flour, white, all-purpose, self-rising, enriched 1 cup

3) 357 - Collards, frozen, chopped, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt 1

4) 348 - Rhubarb, frozen, cooked, with sugar 1 cup

5) 325 - Fish, sardine, Atlantic, canned in oil, drained solids with bone 3

6) 291 - Spinach, frozen, chopped or leaf, cooked, boiled, drained, without
salt 1 cup

7) 272 - Spinach, canned, drained solids 1 cup

8) 266 - Collards, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt 1 cup

9) 261 - Soybeans, green, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt 1 cup

10) 249 - Turnip greens, frozen, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt 1 cup

11) 245 - Spinach, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt 1 cup

12) 218 - Breadcrumbs, dry, grated, seasoned 1 cup

13) 211 - Cowpeas (Blackeyes), immature seeds, cooked, boiled, drained,
without salt 1 cup

14) 197 - Turnip greens, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt 1 cup

15) 191 - Beans, white, mature seeds, canned 1 cup

16) 181 - Fish, salmon, pink, canned, solids with bone and liquid 3 oz

17) 179 - Kale, frozen, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt 1 cup

18) 177 - Okra, frozen, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt 1 cup

19) 175 - Soybeans, mature cooked, boiled, without salt 1 cup

20) 172 - Molasses, blackstrap 1 tbsp

21) 164 - Beet greens, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt 1 cup

22) 163 - Tofu, firm, prepared with calcium sulfate and magnesium chloride
1/4 block

23) 159 - Snacks, trail mix, regular, with chocolate chips, salted nuts and
seeds 1 cup

24) 158 - Cabbage, chinese (pak-choi), cooked, boiled, drained, without salt
1 cup

25) 154 - Beans, baked, canned, with pork and sweet sauce 1 cup

25 Non-Dairy Foods with Highest Calcium

Source: USDA

1) 483 - Cornmeal, self-rising, degermed, enriched, yellow 1 cup

2) 423 - Wheat flour, white, all-purpose, self-rising, enriched 1 cup

3) 357 - Collards, frozen, chopped, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt 1

4) 348 - Rhubarb, frozen, cooked, with sugar 1 cup

5) 325 - Fish, sardine, Atlantic, canned in oil, drained solids with bone 3

6) 291 - Spinach, frozen, chopped or leaf, cooked, boiled, drained, without
salt 1 cup

7) 272 - Spinach, canned, drained solids 1 cup

8) 266 - Collards, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt 1 cup

9) 261 - Soybeans, green, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt 1 cup

10) 249 - Turnip greens, frozen, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt 1 cup

11) 245 - Spinach, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt 1 cup

12) 218 - Breadcrumbs, dry, grated, seasoned 1 cup

13) 211 - Cowpeas (Blackeyes), immature seeds, cooked, boiled, drained,
without salt 1 cup

14) 197 - Turnip greens, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt 1 cup

15) 191 - Beans, white, mature seeds, canned 1 cup

16) 181 - Fish, salmon, pink, canned, solids with bone and liquid 3 oz

17) 179 - Kale, frozen, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt 1 cup

18) 177 - Okra, frozen, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt 1 cup

19) 175 - Soybeans, mature cooked, boiled, without salt 1 cup

20) 172 - Molasses, blackstrap 1 tbsp

21) 164 - Beet greens, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt 1 cup

22) 163 - Tofu, firm, prepared with calcium sulfate and magnesium chloride
1/4 block

23) 159 - Snacks, trail mix, regular, with chocolate chips, salted nuts and
seeds 1 cup

24) 158 - Cabbage, chinese (pak-choi), cooked, boiled, drained, without salt
1 cup

25) 154 - Beans, baked, canned, with pork and sweet sauce 1 cup

Top 25 Foods with Highest Fiber Content

Foods with Highest Fiber – Top 25
Source: USDA

1) 31.2 - Barley, pearled, raw 1 cup

2) 25.6 - Bulgur, dry 1 cup

3) 19.1 - Beans, navy, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt 1 cup

4) 17.9 - Beans, baked, canned, with franks 1 cup

5) 16.4 - Beans, kidney, red, mature seeds, canned 1 cup

6) 16.3 - Peas, split, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt 1 cup

7) 15.6 - Lentils, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt 1 cup

8) 15.4 - Beans, pinto, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt 1 cup

9) 15.0 - Beans, black, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt 1 cup

10) 14.6 - Wheat flour, whole-grain 1 cup

11) 14.5 - Oat bran, raw 1 cup

12) 14.2 - Dates, deglet noor 1 cup

13) 13.4 - Refried beans, canned (includes USDA commodity) 1 cup

14) 13.2 - Lima beans, large, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt 1 cup

15) 13.2 - Beans, baked, canned, with pork and sweet sauce 1 cup

16) 13.1 - Beans, kidney, red, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt 1 cup

17) 12.6 - Beans, white, mature seeds, canned 1 cup

18) 12.5 - Chickpeas (garbanzo beans, bengal gram), mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt 1 cup

19) 12.4 - Beans, great northern, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt 1 cup

20) 12.0 - Buckwheat flour, whole-groat 1 cup

21) 11.8 - Tomato products, canned, paste, without salt added 1 cup

22) 11.6 - Lima beans, large, mature seeds, canned 1 cup

23) 11.2 - Cowpeas, common (blackeyes, crowder, southern), mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt 1 cup

24) 11.2 - Soup, bean with ham, canned, chunky, ready-to-serve, commercial 1 cup

25) 11.0 - Raspberries, frozen, red, sweetened 1 cup

25 Biggest Eating Plan Mistakes

25 Biggest Dieting Mistakes

By Julia Havey

Glee Contributor

Updated: Saturday, March 4, 2006

OK, you are reading a weight-loss related magazine, so it is safe to assume you want to lose weight. I bet you are anxiously looking for tips "to do" and a diet to "go on," which are essential to successful weight loss, but those aren't the only things that you need to know.

Why? Most women have spent an average of 20 years "dieting," so another safe assumption is that we know a lot about what to do right. However, little attention is usually given on what not to do. Apply this list of things NOT to do to your healthful regimen, and spare yourself many of the pitfalls that derail most dieters.

1. Having a negative defeatist attitude. If you think there is no way that you are going to succeed this time, lose the weight and keep it off, then you will be right! However, if you think positively and believe that change is at hand, you will empower your journey, and you will reach your goals!

2. Going on any diet that is NOT a manner of eating that you can adhere to for the rest of your life. Be careful when deciding what nutritional plan you want to follow, as it should be a manner of eating that matches your tastes, budget and lifestyle. You should model all of your future nutritional plans closely after how you lost the weight in order to keep that weight lost for good!

3. Believing that you will eat cabbage soup -- or any other low-cal, monotonous fare everyday for the rest of your life. If a particular odd "diet" is something that you can barely stomach, it isn't realistic to think you will eat that way for the entire time it takes to lose all the weight. It certainly won't teach you much about how to live healthfully for the long-term. Just say NO, to cabbage soup and other such funky diets!

4. Weighing in too frequently, letting the scale rule your mood and actions. Up to this point, have you been fixated on the scale? Well, if so, it hasn't really helped you lose weight, has it? Otherwise, you wouldn't be here, looking for yet another "diet." So do us both a favor, and pack the scale up, put a big red bow around it, and unwrap it after six months of consistent healthful living. It might actually show you something you want to see!

5. Not drinking enough water. You MUST drink at least 64 ounces of water everyday, and for the overachievers, drinking up to ½ your body weight in fluid ounces a day is recommended! Early man packed up all his belongings when his water supply dried up, moved and relocated to another area where water was plentiful. They knew they couldn't live without it. Yet, we modern men have water in our kitchen faucet, and ignore it all day. The difference is that they didn't have soft drinks, coffee, sugar-filled drinks and diet soda. YUCK! Water is all that you need to drink, and you MUST drink at least 64 ounces of it a day!

6. Drinking sugar-laden drinks -- including "fruit" drinks -- Fruitopia is neither a fruit nor a Utopia! Try putting your favorite non-water beverage in your pet's bowl, and see if they will drink it.

7. Consuming processed foods more often than fresh foods. Again, think how Early Man lived and what he ate. Eating as close to natural is the best way to ensure that your body is as healthy as possible.

8. Not having a plan. Leaving your actions up to chance in life is never a good idea. "We never plan to fail, we fail to plan." Get a plan and stick with it, but make sure each step is realistic and change is gradual!

9. Not being aware of the nutritional benefits or detriments of what you consume. Lettuce is a great choice to eat, but spinach and other darker leaves have more nutritional benefit than the iceberg variety. If you are going to eat, get the most bang for your buck!

10. Finishing every last bite of a meal, even after you are full. Mother was wrong! Don't clean your plate, let the dishwasher do that!

11. Going back for seconds at meals. Does the word "glutton" sound like something you want to describe you? There is no reason ever to have seconds! If you like it that much, have it as a leftover the next day! Too much of even a good thing is no longer a good thing!

12. Skipping breakfast. Mother was right on this one. It is the most important meal of the day!

13. Starving all day. When you finally get around to eating, it is usually something unhealthy (because you "can"), and it gets stored as energy later, rather than burned as energy now! You totally mess up your metabolism if you do this!

14. Bingeing after "falling off the wagon," and waiting until "tomorrow" to get back on track. Admit now that you will stumble on this journey. Make it your goal to lengthen the amount of time between stumbles, and shorten the time it takes to "get back on track." This way, you may only blow it once a year, and will get back on track in five minutes! You get to that point, and there will be no problem!

15. Thinking you are genetically destined to be fat. The only fat gene is the one left hanging in your closet after you lose your weight! You may be predisposed to a condition, but HOW you live determines how great its effect on your life will be!

16. Treating "fat" as a personality trait. Fat is NOT a personality trait; it is a physical condition. Blond isn't a trait, either; it is a hair color! Do not allow yourself to be branded by ANY physical attribute or determent! YOU are many things, but fat is not one of them. Identify some things you love about who you are, and focus on those. They will help you realize the body you want.

17. Not living each day to the fullest ... thinking that it will come when you are thinner. BE, DO and then you will HAVE! BE a healthier person, DO the things a healthier person DOES and soon, you will HAVE a healthier life!

18. Thinking pills, powders or potions are more powerful than they really are for achieving weight loss. I bought diet pills after Anna Nicole Smith's weight loss. I really thought they would work! $48 later, 30 days of pills swallowed and NOTHING! Not one pound of weight loss. If those things really worked, no one would be overweight!

19. Thinking of exercise as a chore instead of a way to improve your health and life. Not scheduling exercise as a vital part of your day and week. If today, you were in an accident, paralyzed and could never walk again, do you think you would long to be able to go for a walk? Exercise is a "GET TO", not a "HAVE TO." It is a joy to move your body and get your endorphins flowing. They truly are nature's reward for demanding physical fitness of ourselves. PUSH yourself; you will be amazed at how it feels!

20. Indulging excessively in alcohol. Bottom line: When you drink, you suck down excess calories, alter your mind and let down your guard. Stupid things happen when we drink too much. Too many calories, too much food and too many regrets. Live in control and live freely!

21. Watching sports rather than participating in sports. Would it be more fun to watch the Super Bowl or be the MVP of the game? Is it more fun to watch an amazing homerun, or actually bring home the winning run for your softball team? It is more fun to watch spoiled millionaires dribble an orange ball, or run down the court trying to guard an old friend? Sunday football is a tradition, but playing a game of it in your own front yard will provide memories that will last long after the season is over!

22. Watching too much television. New rule: NO TV viewing unless you have walked for 30 minutes! My rule is that I get on my Octane Elliptical machine and stay on it until whatever show I want to watch is over! One night I made the mistake of watching a two-hour show! I did 90 minutes on the Elliptical before throwing in the towel! "Must-see TV," means "want-to-see" body for me!

23. Thinking that "dieting" sprees -- and not a total lifestyle change -- will garner lasting weight loss results. If you aren't changing your life, you aren't making lasting changes! Add a lifestyle makeover to your eDiets.com plan. Visit www.lifechanger.us for more information.

24. Consuming fast foods on a regular basis. The fried, greasy and high- calorie fast food that dominates our society's eating habits today is the leading cause of the obesity epidemic that we now face. If you have no choice other than fast food, please order a salad with grilled chicken, one packet of light dressing w/ lemon wedges, a bottle of water and extra chicken if you are hungry, but when they say "do you want fries with that?" Say, "Do you want me to be unhealthy and die young?" Hopefully, both answers will be no!

25. Waiting for tomorrow to "get started," rather than RIGHT NOW! Right now, there are thousands of members logged on to eDiets.com, in the chat rooms, on the support boards, watching online anytime meetings and waiting to lend their support. There are teams of nutritionists to help you understand basic, healthy human nutritional needs. There is hope, and there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

YOU can do this! Or, I guess you can't do these things! Whatever, but you know what I mean, you are going to succeed this time, and the entire eDiets.com team is here to educate, motivate and inspire you to your dreams and goals!

Top 10 Ways to Lower WW Points Values (and Calories)

WWs Top 10 Ways to Lower Points Values

Top 10 Ways to Lower POINTS® Values
By Jodie Shield, RD | 1/1/2001

Tip 1. Invest in a set of cookware that has a nonstick finish. This
will enable you to prepare foods with little or no added fat. In
addition, you'll want to pick up some cooking spray, so you can coat your
cookware with it for even less sticking potential.

Tip 2. Prepare meat, poultry and fish using low-fat cooking methods
such as broiling, grilling and stir-frying. And remember that both fresh
and frozen vegetables taste great either steamed or cooked in a
microwave oven.

Tip 3. Marinate meat, poultry, and fish in low-fat marinades such as
salsa, teriyaki sauce, orange juice or Dijon mustard. You'll get a
burst of flavor with out adding a lot of POINTS values.

Tip 4. Season your foods with fresh or dried herbs instead of using
oil or butter. Try adding dill to steamed carrots, saffron to brown
rice, cilantro to baked fish and ginger to stir-fried chicken.

Tip 5. Remove the skin from chicken, turkey and Cornish hens before
you eat it. The skin is mostly fat and will almost double the amount of
POINTS value.

Tip 6. Skim and discard fat from hot soups, stews, or chilies. Or
chill the soup, stew or chili, and skim off the solid fat that forms at
the top.

Tip 7. For most recipes, you can trim the amount of fat called for by
25 to 50 percent without effecting taste or quality. For example, if a
recipe calls for adding 1 cup of chopped pecans, you could use only 1/2
cup. Also, you can omit the butter or oil in baked goods by using fruit
purées like applesauce or puréed prunes. The concentration of their
natural sweetness will help retain moisture during baking.

Tip 8. Scale down the amount of sugar in fruit sauces, beverages or
other dishes that aren't baked by 25 percent. And add a pinch of
cinnamon or nutmeg instead of sugar to help increase the sweetness.

Tip 9. Replace one-quarter to one-half of the ground meat or poultry
in a casserole with cooked brown rice, or cooked and chopped dried
beans. You'll cut back on fat and boost fiber.

Tip 10. Substitute lower fat ingredients for higher fat ingredients.
Some key switches to make include:

Instead of... Use... 1 whole egg 2 egg whites or egg
substitute 1 cup sour cream 1 cup fat-free plain yogurt 1 cup whole
milk 1 cup low-fat or fat-free milk

Swapping Fat for Flavor

Jeff Levine Swaps Fat for Flavor

The Biggest Loser's family doc shares how to fool your taste buds...and
enjoy your favorite foods.

As a doctor, Jeff Levine knows how to make life-saving decisions for
his patients. Now, he's doing it for himself by changing his eating (and
cooking) habits.

His tip for a delicious, satisfying meal? Keep the most flavorful
ingredients, and replace the least flavorful. Here's how it works:

Instead of lox and bagels, try lox and Wasa bread. All the flavor is in
the salmon. So skip the bland bagel and heap that fish on a cracker.

"I can eat five slices of Wasa bread and it adds up to only 100
calories, with very little fat or carbohydrate. I put fat-free cream cheese
on the Wasa bread with the onions and lox, and I don't even taste the

Instead of spaghetti sauce and pasta, try spaghetti sauce and spaghetti
squash. All the flavor is in the tomato and garlic of the sauce. So
replace the pasta with a high-fiber, filling veggie.

"Half a cup of spaghetti squash has only 23 calories, compared to pasta
at 100 calories. I'm a pasta person, and spaghetti squash is a terrific
substitute. I want to see if I can sneak it past my kids."

Other flavor-saving ideas from the Biggest Loser Club: Salsa and celery
instead of salsa and chips. Tuna on melba toast instead of tuna on
white bread.

Friday, May 22, 2009

UGGGGG What Do You Realllllyyyyyyy Think???

Well, it happened today. Someone I think very highly of made a comment regarding someone else's (a person much smaller than me) weight. This person wears all of a size 8! All I could think was "If he thinks that about them, what does he think about me REALLY?????????

And then after awhile, I realized that if a comment like that makes me so uncomfortable, perhaps I should be more diligent about trying to lose the weight instead of merely thinking about it.

To Achieve Your Dreams, Remember Your A-Z

To Achieve Your Dreams, Remember Your A-Z


A-void negative sources, people, things and habits.

B-elieve in yourself.

C-onsider things from every angle.

D-on't give up and don't give in.

E-njoy life today: yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come.

F-amily and Friends are hidden treasures. Seek them and enjoy their riches.

G-ive more than you planned to give.

H-ang on to your dreams.

I-gnore those who try to discourage you.

J-ust do it!

K-eep on trying, no matter how hard it seems. It will get better.

L-ove yourself first and foremost.

M-ake it happen.

N-ever lie, cheat, or steal. Always strike a fair deal.

O-pen your eyes and see things as they really are.

P-ractice makes perfect.

Q-uitters never win and winners never quit.

R-ead, study and learn about everything important in your life.

S-top procrastinating.

T-ake control of your own destiny.

U-nderstand yourself in order to better understand others.

V-isualize it.

W-ant it more than anything.

X-ccelerate your efforts.

Y-ou are unique of all the Nature's creations. Nothing can replace you.

Z-ero in on your target, and go for it!!

The Man in the Glass

Just go to a mirror and look at yourself,
And see what that man has to say.
For it isn't your father or mother or wife,
Whose judgment upon you must pass
The fellow whose verdict counts most in your life
Is the one staring back from the glass.
He's the fellow to please, never mind all the rest.
For he's with you clear up to the end,
And you've passed the most dangerous, difficult test
If the man in the glass is your friend.
You may fool the whole world down the pathway of years.
And get pats on the back as you pass,
But your final reward will be the heartaches and tears
If you've cheated the man in the glass.

Joanna Lund's Healthy Exchanges Pantry List

JoAnna's Pantry

Fat Free plain Yogurt

Nonfat dry milk powder

Skim milk

Fat free cottage cheese

Fat free cream cheese

Fat free mayonnaise

No-fat sour cream

Reduced calorie margarine

Cooking Sprays - Olive Oil-flavored


Butter-flavor for spritzing after cooking
(I can’t Believe It’s Not Butter)

Cooking Oil

Reduced calorie whipped topping..Cool Whip Free

Sugar Substitute: if no heat is involved - Equal
If heating is required, Splenda or Sugar Twin
Brown Sugar Twin

Sugar free gelatin and puddings

Baking mix - Bisquick Reduced Fat or Pioneer

Pancake mix - Aunt Jemina Reduced Calorie

Sugar free pancake syrup Log Cabin or Cary’s

Parmesan cheese - Kraft Fat Free

Reduced Fat Cheeses

Shredded frozen potatoes - Mr. Dells or Oreida

Spreadable fruit spread

Chicken Broth Fat Free

Bee Broth Fat Free

Tomato Sauce

Canned Soups

Tomato juice

Ketsup Light harvest or healthy choice

Piecrust - unbaked Pillsbury in dairy case

Graham cracker, shortbread and chocolate - Keebler

Pastrami and corned beef - Car Buddig Lean

Luncheon Meats - Healthy Choice or Oscar Mayer

Ham - Dubuque 97% fat free or healthy choice

Kielbasa sausage & Frankfurters - Healthy Choice

Canned white chicken, packed in water - Chicken of the sea

Canned Tuna, packed in water

90 to 97% lean ground beef or turkey

Soda crackers - Nabisco Fat Free

Reduced calorie bread (40 calories per slice)

Hamburger Buns (80 Calories per bun)

Hot Dog Buns (80 Calories per bun)

Rice - Instant, regular and wild

Noodles, spaghetti, macroni


Pickle relish

Mustard - dijon, prepared and spicy

Unsweetened apple and orange juice

Unsweetened apple sauce

Fruit fresh, frozen and canned in juice

Vegetables fresh, frozen and canned


Lemon and Lime Juice

Instant fruit beverage mixes - cold and hot - Nestles Quik

Sugar free and fat free ice cream

Outside the Boundaries

"Outside the boundaries"

Many of the limitations you perceive are not really limitations at all.
They're merely boundaries that you've placed around yourself.
Imagine for a moment what could be beyond those boundaries. Imagine
would happen if many of the things you see as limitations were no
there to stop you.

Yes, life can be very comfortable inside the self-erected walls of your
boundaries. It can be so comfortable you forget that you can go beyond

Think of something you consider to be a limitation, then ask yourself
question. How much of that limitation is really a boundary created for
own comfort and convenience?

The boundaries that you create, you can choose to transcend, and when
do, you'll make a powerful discovery. You'll find a whole new world of
positive and valuable possibilities outside those boundaries.

Think about how you might be holding yourself back by the boundaries
created. Then take a step outside them, and see how very far you can

Monster-Healthy Exchanges Board

100 Calorie Snacks

100 Calorie Snacks:  20 Choices
Need some ideas? To get you started on the road to calorie-controlled
Snacking, our experts offer some suggestions for healthy 100-calorie munchies:

1. Half an apple with 2 teaspoons of peanut butter
2. An orange and a few dry-roasted nuts
3. 10 cashew nuts
4. 10 almonds
5. 2 ounces of lean roast beef
6. Half a small avocado
7. 3 ounces cooked whole-grain noodles with 1 fresh tomato and 1/2 ounce
Hard cheese
8. 1 seven-grain Belgian waffle
9. 4 mini rice cakes with 2 tablespoons low-fat cottage cheese
10. 3 ounces low-fat cottage cheese and 3 whole-wheat crackers
11. 1/4 cup fat-free ranch dressing with mixed raw veggies
12. 6 Wheat Thins crackers with two teaspoons of peanut butter (or any nut
13. 1 small baked potato with 1/2 cup salsa and 2 tablespoons of fat-free
Sour cream
14. 1/3 cup of unsweetened applesauce with 1 slice of whole-wheat toast, cut
Into 4 strips for dunking
15. 1/2 cup frozen orange juice, eaten as sorbet
16. 2 large graham cracker squares with 1 teaspoon peanut butter
17. 3 handfuls of unbuttered popcorn, seasoned with herbs
18. 4-6 ounces of no-fat or low-fat yogurt
19. A 5-ounce tossed salad with lettuce, tomato, cucumber and 1/4 cup
Fat-free dressing
20. Half a "finger" of string cheese with 4 whole-wheat crackers

10 Ways to Beat Bad Scale Days

Don't rely on the scale alone. Even when I haven't lost pounds, when I take
my measurements, I'll notice I've lost inches!

Don't weigh in every day! Keep it at once a week at the most!

Remember your "water weight." It can make the scale fluctuate by as much as
four pounds.

Make sure you're drinking your water every day. That always gets the scale moving!

Remember that muscle weighs more than fat. If you're working out, you're probably
gaining muscle, not fat!

Reevaluate your eating. Are you sticking to the meal plan and suggested portion
sizes? Be honest.

Don't use a bad scale day as an excuse to eat! Stick to the plan and you'll see

Focus on how much better you feel. That alone can keep you going when the scale
isn't moving.

Make sure you aren't skipping your workouts!

Remember your other reasons for getting in shape -It isn't just about what you weigh!

SOURCE: Denise Austin

Project Me

1. I admit I love food and am addicted to it.

2.My weight bothers me and I know it's not healthy

3.I am overweight for the most part because I overeat and don't exercise

4. I have blamed many people and many things for my fat,but I must admit I am to blame

5. I forgive those who have made fun of me,judged me or put me down beacuse of my weight

6. I forgive myself and forget about all the times I tried before

7. Today I will make time for myself. I will eat healthy and I will exercise

8. I will not ingore,hide from or avoid food. I will face food and not lean on it.

9. I realize food has no power and will never solve any of my problems-past,present or future.

10. I will be patient with myself and will not become compulsive and obessed with loosing weight and exercising.

11. If I didnt do great yesterday, I will try harder today

12. I will take daily inventory and be truthful with myself

13. I know now there are no easy way to do this. I know the only way to get to goal is to exercise,eat healthy and stay motivated

14. I will use my sense of humor today for it heals loneliness,depression,insecurity and boredom

15. This time I am doing this for ME

16. I am terrific person and I like myself right now,no matter what I weigh

17. The next time I have a craving for anything I know is fattening or tempted not to exercise. I will think about the new me.

18. I will take a look in the mirror and say "Im going to have a great day"

19.I have very positive outlook about MY LIFE.

20. I am doing it!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am going all the way!!!!!!

21 I AM WORTH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Grain Cooking Guide

Grain-Cooking Guide from "Eating Well"

How to cook 7 healthy grains.
Easy cooking instructions for seven healthy whole grains.

Trying to eat more whole grains? Keep trying! Grains provide a
healthy boost of vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants and
phytonutrients. Grains are also rich in carbohydrates— the body's main
fuel supply—so we need a fair amount daily (despite what low-carb/no-
carb gurus say).

The key is to keep portions moderate and skew strongly to whole-grain
versions as often as you can. While the government guidelines urge
you to "make half of your grains whole," we say aim for making most,
if not all, of your grains whole. You'll feel fuller longer, since
whole grains and fiber take longer to digest.

Use this guide to cook tasty whole grains and keep in mind that
directions are for 1 cup of uncooked grain; serving size is 1/2 cup

Directions are for 1 cup of uncooked grain.

Barley, Quick cooking

Bring 1 3/4 cups water or broth to a boil; add 1 cup barley. Reduce
heat to low and simmer, covered, 10-12 minutes.

Yield: 2 cups

Per 1/2-cup serving: 86 calories; 1 g fat (0 g sat, 0 g mono); 0 mg
cholesterol; 19 g carbohydrate; 3 g protein; 3 g fiber; 2 mg sodium.

Barley, Pearl

Bring 1 cup barley and 2 1/2 cups water or broth to a boil. Reduce
heat to low and simmer, covered, 35-50 minutes.

Yield: 3-3 1/2 cups

Per 1/2-cup serving: 117 calories; 0 g fat; 0 mg cholesterol; 26 g
carbohydrate; 3 g protein; 5 g fiber; 6 mg sodium.


Bring 1 cup bulgur and 1 1/2 cups water or broth to a boil. Reduce
heat to low and simmer, covered, until tender and most of the liquid
has been absorbed, 10-15 minutes.

Yield 2 1/2-3 cups

Per 1/2-cup serving: 96 calories; 0 g fat; 0 mg cholesterol; 21 g
carbohydrate; 3 g protein; 5 g fiber; 7 mg sodium.

Couscous, Whole-wheat

Bring 1 3/4 cups water or broth to a boil. Stir in 1 cup couscous,
Remove from heat and let stand, covered, 5 minutes. Fluff with a fork.

Yield: 3-3 1 /2 cups

Per 1/2-cup serving: 140 calories; 1 g fat (0 g sat, 0 g mono); 0 mg
cholesterol; 30 g carbohydrate; 5 g protein; 5 g fiber; 1 mg sodium.


Rinse in several changes of cold water. Bring 1 cup quinoa and 2 cups
water or broth to a boil. Reduce heat to low and simmer, covered,
until tender and most of the liquid has been absorbed, 15-20 minutes.
Fluff with a fork.

Yield: 3 cups

Per 1/2-cup serving: 106 calories; 2 g fat (0 g sat, 0 g mono); 0 mg
cholesterol; 20 g carbohydrate; 4 g protein; 2 g fiber; 8 mg sodium.

Rice, Brown

Bring 1 cup rice and 2 1 /2 cups water or broth to a boil. Reduce
heat to low and simmer, covered, until tender and most of the liquid
has been absorbed, 40-50 minutes. Let stand 5 minutes, then fluff
with a fork.

Yield: 3 cups

Per 1/2-cup serving: 98 calories; 1 g fat (0 g sat, 0 g mono); 0 mg
cholesterol; 20 g carbohydrate; 2 g protein; 1 g fiber; 3 mg sodium.

Rice, Wild

Cook 1 cup rice in a large saucepan of lightly salted boiling water—
at least 4 cups — until tender, 45-55 minutes. Drain.

Yield: 2- 2 1 /2 cups

Per 1/2-cup serving: 82 calories; 0 g fat; 0 mg cholesterol; 17 g
carbohydrate; 3 g protein; 1 g fiber; 4 mg sodiu

Emotional Eating


I asked my class two very tough questions the other day. The first was,
did you become a compulsive eater?" The second was, "Why are you still
compulsive eater?" I could see everyone was doing some soul searching
thinking before putting pen to paper. Here are some of their answers.

"I began to be compulsive to fill the void of feeling unloved and
I did not have to do anything to get the food to like me. It just did,
it made me feel good!"

"It happened when I encountered a high degree of stress I was not
to and turned to food for comfort."

"In my house, food was a pleasure/reward kind of thing. You eat, it
good, and you do it again. The immediate pleasure outweighs the
problem of gaining weight."

"As a child, I watched my parents overeat, and I needed an escape from
rage. Food was my refuge."

Here are some of the answers to the second question, "Why are you still
compulsive eater?"

"Food is still my escape because I have not yet learned to satiate my
I have changed many things, but I am so strongly rooted in eating to
better, and I always return to that behavior."

"I am still one because eating is an immediate, happy rush to me."

"It`s a lifelong habit, very hard to break. My food compulsion still
my name, and I always give in to it."

"I simply lack discipline. I`m just not strong enough to combat my

"I could list a million ridiculous reasons why I have such a strong
relationship with food, but the truth is, I don`t love myself enough to

"I`m still out of control because I`ve been hurt many times in my life,
I overeat to gain weight and not look attractive to protect myself from
being hurt again."

I have such a good relationship with all of the wonderful people who
come to
Slimmons because they are so honest about their emotions. Are you
about yours? I know you can relate with what my students have to say.
out how you became an emotional eater and why you still may be one. One
my biggest hopes for you is to finally find some peace with your
relationship with food.


SOURCE: Richard Simmons Message of the Day

Staples of Low Carb Eating

Cupboard staples:

Black soybeans (virtually zero carb, for baked beans and chili)
Pecans, walnuts, almonds, peanut butter, almond butter
La Nouba sugar free fruit spreads (spendy but GOOD)
Marinades (or make homemade)
Good extra virgin olive oil
Coconut milk or lite coconut milk (for Thai curries)
Indian spices or simmering sauces and prepared vegetable pouches
Cans of sliced ripe olives (pizza topping)
Low carb cereal (Hi Low, or Omega Flax) for adding crunch to yogurt
Barilla no boil (very thin) lasagna noodles
Marinara sauce, no sugar added
Wasa multi grain or dark rye crackers, Ak Mak crackers, Nut Thin crackers
Lots of spices
Thai fish sauce
Kadoya toasted sesame oil
Variety of vinegars
Dreamfield’s pasta (use with caution, it’s not quite as advertised)
Canned scungilli
Canned pureed pumpkin
Roasted peppers
Wheat bran or flax meal (keep flax in freezer) (instead of crumbs in
meatloaf and stuff)
Ojai cook Lemonaise, Latin Lemonaise


Damascus Flax Rollups (for wraps, pizza, dips)
The Baker flax or whole grain bran bread (best toasted)
Arnold Melba Thin rye bread
Toufayan low carb wraps (large, very strong, don’t rip or crack)


Scharffen Berger bittersweet baking chocolate
CarbQuik bake mix (buy at netrition.com)
Nut flours (especially almond) bought online
Granulated Xylitol and powdered erythritol
Natural extracts (banana, vanilla, orange)
Flax seeds (can be ground into a very low carb flour substitute or hot
cereal base)
(get a perforated pizza pan for making pizza from flax rollups)
Xanthan gum (for thickening berry cobblers, gravies, etc)

Fridge staples:

Unsalted butter
Stonyfield’s plain whole milk yogurt
2% or 4% cottage cheese
Half and half
Heavy cream
Whipped cream cheese
Variety of aged cheeses and cheese slices for snacks and sandwiches
Cold cuts
Mixed baby greens for salad, romaine lettuce for sandwiches
Bags of shredded Mexican and mozzarella (omelettes, chili topper,
pizzas, etc.)
Pitted kalamata olives, a large variety of other olives.
Natural andouille sausage, chorizo (no cured meats)
Ricotta cheese (part skim or whole milk)
Thai curry paste


Avocados (slice for sandwiches, or on salad, or for guacamole)
Small granny apples, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries
Winter: cauliflower, white turnip, diced (great purees), small sweet
potatoes to share
Spring/summer: summer squashes, peppers, sweet onions, portobellos to
grill, mostly, skewered or flat (skewering is easier)
Grape and campari tomatoes, large slicing tomato
Whatever looks fresh and good, preferably in season and organic
Flatleaf parsley, basil, garlic, seedless cuke
Cabbage (for sautéing with onions)
Large sweet onions


Salad dressings, marinades, variety of mustards, etc.
(I like Emeril’s Rosemary, lemon and garlic for any kind of protein,
Walker’s Woods Jamaican Jerk for spicy grilled chicken.)
Steak sauce (I like Newman’s Own)
Mayo (full fat)
Ojai Cook Lemonaises (different flavors)
Dijon mustard, spicy deli mustard, horseradish sauce

What’s usually in my freezer:

Naturally range fed meats:

Cut up chicken, plus packages of boneless, skinless breasts and thighs
Flank steak, boneless rib steak, sirloin, grass fed beef burgers
Frozen wild king or coho salmon, mahi mahi and jumbo or colossal
uncooked shrimp, scallops, from Trader Joe’s, Chilean sea bass from
Costco (great prices!!)
Edy’s grand Coffee ice cream, Edy’s no sugar added Fudge Tracks (portion
and frequency control!!)
Jones breakfast sausage, Wellshire farms lean uncured pork bacon
Sweet and hot Italian sausage
Jones bulk sausage (for my chili recipe and meatballs)
Lean ground beef and chuck stew meat (for chili)

My special stash:

Chocolove dark chocolates or Scharffen Berger 87% dark chocolate
Very dark chocolate truffles, Santander 70% dark chocolate and Columbian
with coffe bean bits

WW Core Food List

While I don't follow Weight Watchers, I think the old Core plan's focus on unprocessed foods, whole grains,
and non-artificial sweeteners is a smart one.

Core Food List*

*NOTE: This page is just an overview of Core Foods. For a more detailed list of foods, follow the links below.

Beans & Legumes | Beverages | Cereals | Condiments, Sauces & Gravies

Dairy & Eggs | Fish & Seafood | Fruits | Jams, Spreads & Salsas | Meat

Oil, Dressings & Seasonings | Pasta, Potatoes, Rice & Grains | Snacks | Soups

Soy & Meat Substitutes | Spices, Herbs & Baking Ingredients | Vegetables

Chain Restaurant | FAQs

The Core Foods are nutritious and include all food groups. Use the overview below to help guide your food choices.

The detailed pages that follow will show you the specific food items on the list. To review a particular category, just select it from the navigation on the right side of the page.

Please take a look at our new Core Food List FAQs, which we hope will answer your questions about choosing foods from the list. Also, be sure to take a new look at each section of the Core Food List, as we've made some changes and additions that we think give you some more flexibility and better choices when following the Core Plan.


What's Included

Fresh, frozen or canned (without added sauce, fat or sugar)
Tomato paste, puree and sauce

Vegetables cannot contain ingredients that are not Core Foods
(e.g., regular refried beans, pork & beans, corn in butter
sauce, dried tomatoes packed in oil, French fries and sweet
pickles are not Core Foods)

Vegetable juices are not Core Foods

What's Included

Fresh, frozen or canned fruits (without added sugar)

Canned fruit must be packed in water or juice (not syrup)
and drained before eating

Unsweetened applesauce is a Core Food, but sweetened
applesauce is not

Dried fuits are not Core Foods
Fruit juices are not Core Foods


What's Included

Fresh, canned, frozen or homemade soups made only with Core Foods
Bean soup (e.g., lentil soup, split pea soup)
Broth-based soup
Tomato soup

Cream soups are not Core Foods

What's Included

Fat-free milk, cheese and sour cream
Soy milk, cheese and yogurt (plain)

Weight Watchers Smoothies or fat-free, sugar-free instant
hot cocoa or reduced-calorie dairy shakes is limited to
once a day


What's Included

Whole eggs, egg whites and egg substitutes

What's Included

Puffed wheat, puffed rice, shredded wheat, and 100% bran
cereals that do not contain added sugar

Cold cereals are limited to one meal a day and must be
eaten with fat-free milk or fat-free plain yogurt

What's Included

Cooked (hot) cereal

Any plain variety that does not contain added sugar

What's Included

Whole-wheat pasta, brown rice, potatoes, and grains
Starchy vegetables (e.g., peas, corn)

Whole-wheat pasta or brown rice or potatoes is limited

to one meal a day

What's Included

Beef, lamb, pork and veal:
At the meat case look for cuts from the "loin," "round,"
and "leg"
Organ meats
Poultry – Chicken and turkey:
Fresh, frozen, or canned.
Organ meats (e.g., chicken livers)
Fish and shellfish:
Fresh, frozen, or canned, any variety
Meat substitutes:
Dried beans and lentils
Tofu, any type
Vegetarian burgers, frozen

Beef, lamb, pork and veal:
Choose visibly lean cuts and trim any excess fat
Ground beef with no more than 7% fat or ground turkey or
ground chicken is limited to one meal a day
Processed meals such as deli products and hot dogs
are not Core Foods
Poultry – Chicken and turkey:

Trim any visible fat before preparing and remove skin
before eating

Fish and shellfish:
Canned varieties must be packed in water, broth, or
tomato juice (not packed in oil)


What's Included

Fat-free salad dressings
Fat-free margarine
Fat-free mayonnaise
Nonstick cooking or baking spray
Extracts, flavourings, and herbs
Select other condiments and extras

Include 2 teaspoons of olive, canola, safflower, sunflower,
or flaxseed oil each day

What's Included

Coffee (without sugar)
Tea (without sugar)
Diet soft drinks
Club soda
Seltzer (plain or flavoured, unsweetened)

Beverages containing alcohol are not Core Foods