Apples | Protects your heart | prevents constipation | Blocks diarrhea | Improves lung capacity | Cushions joints |
Apricots | Combats cancer | Controls blood pressure | Saves your eyesight | Shields against Alzheimer's | Slows aging process |
Artichokes | Aids digestion | Lowers cholesterol | Protects your heart | Stabilizes blood sugar | Guards against liver disease |
Avocados | Battles diabetes | Lowers cholesterol | Helps stops strokes | Controls blood pressure | Smoothes skin |
Bananas | Protects your heart | Quiets a cough | Strengthens bones | Controls blood pressure | Blocks diarrhea |
Beans | Prevents constipation | Helps hemorrhoids | Lowers cholesterol | Combats cancer | Stabilizes blood sugar |
Beets | Controls blood pressure | Combats cancer | Strengthens bones | Protects your heart | Aids weight loss |
Blueberries | Combats cancer | Protects your heart | Stabilizes blood sugar | Boosts memory | Prevents constipation |
Broccoli | Strengthens bones | Saves eyesight | Combats cancer | Protects your heart | Controls blood pressure |
Cabbage | Combats cancer | Prevents constipation | Promotes weight loss | Protects your heart | Helps hemorrhoids |
Cantaloupe | Saves eyesight | Controls blood pressure | Lowers cholesterol | Combats cancer | Supports immune system |
Carrots | Saves eyesight | Protects your heart | Prevents constipation | Combats cancer | Promotes weight loss |
Cauliflower | Protects against Prostate Cancer | Combats Breast Cancer | Strengthens bones | Banishes bruises | Guards against heart disease |
Cherries | Protects your heart | Combats Cancer | Ends insomnia | Slows aging process | Shields against Alzheimer's |
Chestnuts | Promotes weight loss | Protects your heart | Lowers cholesterol | Combats Cancer | Controls blood pressure |
Chili peppers | Aids digestion | Soothes sore throat | Clears sinuses | Combats Cancer | Boosts immune system |
Figs | Promotes weight loss | Helps stops strokes | Lowers cholesterol | Combats Cancer | Controls blood pressure |
Fish | Protects your heart | Boosts memory | Protects your heart | Combats Cancer | Supports immune system |
Flax | Aids digestion | Battles diabetes | Protects your heart | Improves mental health | Boosts immune system |
Garlic | Lowers cholesterol | Controls blood pressure | Combats cancer | kills bacteria | Fights fungus |
Grapefruit | Protects against heart attacks | Promotes Weight loss | Helps stops strokes | Combats Prostate Cancer | Lowers cholesterol |
Grapes | saves eyesight | Conquers kidney stones | Combats cancer | Enhances blood flow | Protects your heart |
Green tea | Combats cancer | Protects your heart | Helps stops strokes | Promotes Weight loss | Kills bacteria |
Honey | Heals wounds | Aids digestion | Guards against ulcers | Increases energy | Fights allergies |
Lemons | Combats cancer | Protects your heart | Controls blood pressure | Smoothes skin | Stops scurvy |
Limes | Combats cancer | Protects your heart | Controls blood pressure | Smoothes skin | Stops scurvy |
Mangoes | Combats cancer | Boosts memory | Regulates thyroid | aids digestion | Shields against Alzheimer's |
I Must Love Me Too
If you have neglected yourself,
make a sincere apology to thee.
Gather the "love-me-not-petals" of your life
and start counting "I-must-love-me-too".
In no time at all you have
a beautiful flower blossom within you. ~ Dodinsky Writings
make a sincere apology to thee.
Gather the "love-me-not-petals" of your life
and start counting "I-must-love-me-too".
In no time at all you have
a beautiful flower blossom within you. ~ Dodinsky Writings