I Must Love Me Too

If you have neglected yourself,
make a sincere apology to thee.
Gather the "love-me-not-petals" of your life
and start counting "I-must-love-me-too".
In no time at all you have
a beautiful flower blossom within you. ~ Dodinsky Writings

Friday, March 20, 2009

ABC's of Weight Loss

Weight Loss
The ABCs of Weight Loss
We've got 26 tips to help you succeed.

By Kathleen Zelman, MPH, RD/LD
WebMD Weight Loss Clinic - Expert Column

A is for attitude. A can-do attitude will help you get over the
inevitable hurdles of weight loss. Anticipate slip-ups -- they
happen. But instead of letting them derail your weight loss efforts,
learn from them and get right back on track. You don't have to be
perfect to lose weight and be healthy. Just keep your eye on the
target and keep moving forward, one step at a time.

B is for breakfast. It really is the most important meal of the day.
Don't leave home without eating something nutritious to get your
metabolism perking and give you energy for the day ahead. It can be
a banana, low-fat yogurt, cereal, last night's leftovers, etc. A
small meal that contains both fiber and protein can keep you feeling
satisfied until lunchtime.

C is for calories. They do count. Get into the habit of reading food
labels to help you make healthy choices. And keep in mind that all
the information listed there is based on the portion size the label
specifies (which may not be the size of the portion you usually
eat). Monitoring your portions and learning more about the calories
in the foods you enjoy will help you meet your goals.

Diets don't work. There are hundreds of diets that will help you
lose weight, but what good is losing weight if you gain it right
back? Eating crazy food combinations or eliminating food groups is
not the way to keep weight off. Instead, choose a nutritionally
balanced plan with enough calories to keep you from feeling famished
(like the WebMD Weight Loss Clinic eating plans).

Eating regular meals is essential. Experts agree that you should go
no longer than 4 to 5 hours between meals. Otherwise, intense hunger
can trigger a binge. Some experts believe dieters have better
control if they eat several mini-meals throughout the day. Choose
the meal pattern that works best in your lifestyle, but make sure to
eat at least three meals per day.

Fiber is nature's weight loss aid. It comes in two forms, soluble
(the gummy type found in oatmeal and beans) and insoluble (the type
found in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains). Both are important
to good health. Soluble fiber can help to lower cholesterol;
insoluble contains indigestible fibers that add bulk to our diets.
Both forms of fiber swell in the stomach and help to create a
feeling of fullness. Most high-fiber foods are also high in water
and low in calories, making them must-have diet foods.

Gum chewing may be just what the dentist ordered. Chewing on a piece
of sugarless gum can help cleanse the mouth of bacteria, satisfy a
sweet tooth, and reduce the urge to eat. Keep a pack of sugarless
gum handy. The next time you have the urge to reach into the cookie
jar, try a piece of gum instead for a zero-calorie treat.

Heart-healthy foods should fill your pantry, refrigerator, and
freezer. Choose foods that are low in saturated and trans fats.
Enjoy plenty of naturally fat-free, low-sodium fruits and
vegetables. Choose healthy fats such as canola, olive, and vegetable
oils. Eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, like walnuts, flaxseed,
and salmon and other fatty fish. Choose low- and non-fat dairy
products, as well as the leanest cuts of meat (round and loin) and
skinless poultry. Beans, nuts, and whole grains round out the list
of heart-healthy foods.

Invest in a pedometer and track your steps each day. The goal is to
walk at least 10,000 steps -- the equivalent of 5 miles -- daily to
thwart weight gain (and promote weight loss). Challenge yourself to
increase your steps each day, even if you can't get up to 10,000.
Every step counts; remember that your goal is simply to improve your
fitness level.

Just do it! Get into a routine that includes regular physical
activity. Not only does exercise energize you, it burns calories,
improves balance and coordination, and relieves stress. When you
don't have time for a formal workout, try to squeeze in at least
three 10-minute chunks of physical activity. (Be sure to check with
your doctor before starting any exercise routine.)

Key to an effective exercise plan is variety. Try something new --
maybe Pilates, yoga, or water aerobics. Having fun and trying new
things will keep you interested and enhance your commitment to
exercise. Another key: starting your day with activity is one of the
best ways to make sure it does not get squeezed out of your schedule.

Low blood sugar is often the cause of between-meal cravings,
especially for sweets. Eating meals and small snacks that contain
lean protein and fiber every few hours helps keep blood sugar levels
steady. When sweets cravings strike, try to satisfy them with
naturally sweet foods such as fruit (accompany it with a little low-
fat yogurt for protein).

Mindful eating means taking time to savor every bite. Turn off the
distractions, and concentrate on the aroma, texture, and flavor of
food. Becoming more mindful when you eat will give you more pleasure
from your meals. The bonus: You'll also be more in tuned with your
body's signals of fullness, and you'll be less likely to overeat.

"Water is your body's preferred form of fluid."

Nighttime snacking, for most of us, is a habit that can undermine
weight loss success. That's because the calories we eat after dinner
tend to be empty ones, from chips, cookies, etc. Brushing your teeth
after supper will help you make dinner the last meal of the day. If
you need a little something at night, try to satisfy the urge with
few calories -- have a stick of gum, one piece of hard candy, or a
cup of hot tea).

One more scoop, one more cookie, one more glass of wine -- "just one
more" can add lots of extra calories. Controlling portions is
fundamental to weight loss success. You don't need to give up your
favorite foods, but you do need to keep track of your portions. At
home, use smaller plates and keep food at the stove instead of on
the table at mealtime. When you go out to eat, order a soup and a
salad instead of an entrée, or take home half your meal in a doggie

Protein is the "secret sauce" to weight control. Include a source of
protein -- lean meats, low-fat dairy, beans, or nuts -- in all meals
and snacks to help keep you feeling full for hours.

Quit those old habits that caused you to gain weight, and replace
them with healthier ones. Simple changes -- like lightening your
coffee with low-fat milk instead of cream, switching to light
mayonnaise, avoiding fried foods -- can help create healthier eating
patterns that foster long-term weight loss.

Rely on friends, family, and/or an online community to help you in
your weight loss efforts. Your motivation is at an all-time high
when you start a weight loss program, but after a few weeks, it
often starts to wane. Let your supporters help you get through the
rough times.

Supplement your healthy eating plan with a once-daily multivitamin
for nutritional insurance. Despite your best efforts, it can be hard
to get all the nutrients you need every day. Taking a multivitamin
will help fill in the gaps.

Track your eating patterns and physical activity every day. One of
the tips of the "successful losers" tracked in the National Weight
Control Registry is the importance of journaling food intake and
activity. Entering this information into your online journal or in a
notebook is a powerful motivator to help keep you working toward
your goals.

Uncle Sam's latest dietary guidelines promise to make us happier,
healthier and thinner. Tips from the government's recommendations
(the 2005 Dietary Guidelines and MyPyramid) include:

Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
Eat more whole grains. At least half of your servings of grain foods
should come from whole grains.
Enjoy three servings of low-fat dairy each day (yogurt, milk, or
Limit saturated and trans fats, sugar, and alcohol.
Watch the sodium content of your diet. Eat less processed food to
reduce sodium.
Get plenty of exercise -- at least 30 minutes a day.
Volumetrics is the art of eating foods high in volume, or high-water
foods. Fruits, vegetables, and soups are all examples of high-volume
foods that are super-nutritious, satisfying, and low in calories.
Dieters should make sure their plans are full of these healthy foods
so they can feel full while still losing weight.

Water is your body's preferred form of fluid. It is thirst-quenching
and naturally delicious without one single calorie. You need some 6-
8 glasses of water or fluids each day. Recent studies suggest that
we should let thirst determine how much we drink each day. Foods
that are high in water (soups, Jell-O, produce) also count toward
our fluid requirements. Many dieters find drinking water helps keep
them from overeating.

EXcuses should be excised. Do you really want to lose weight and
improve your health once and for all? Then stop making excuses and
just do it! Sure, that's easier said than done. But you need to stop
finding reasons why you can't start moving a healthier lifestyle,
and start listing all the reasons why you should. Don't put it off
until tomorrow. Start today, by doing something positive -- just one
small thing -- toward your health and weight loss.

Yogurt used to be thought of as health food. Now it lines the
grocery shelves in a variety of forms. It's portable, convenient,
full of nutrients like calcium and protein, and it makes an
excellent snack or mini-meal. The French swear by it, and so should
you. Low-fat yogurt is filling and nutritious, but keep in mind that
it can be loaded with sugar. So read labels to make the best choice.

Zip in your step is what you'll get once you start eating more
healthfully and getting regular exercise. Losing as little as 5% to
10% of your body weight can help you feel better and improve your
health. Just think of the weight you'll lose as bricks in a
backpack. Lightening your load a few pounds at a time can be
invigorating and energizing.