I Must Love Me Too

If you have neglected yourself,
make a sincere apology to thee.
Gather the "love-me-not-petals" of your life
and start counting "I-must-love-me-too".
In no time at all you have
a beautiful flower blossom within you. ~ Dodinsky Writings

Friday, October 29, 2010

Cheese and Beef-like Lasagna

Cheese and Beef-like Lasagna

9 cooked lasagne noodles(I don't cook mine ahead of time, just cook it all together in the oven)

2 c. any vegetarian meat, ground)I use Morningstar Farms beef crumbles)
1 jar vegan spaghetti sauce
1 recipe of tofu cheese filling
1 recipe of Healthy Nacho cheese

Tofu cheese filling:
1 pkg tofu, firm
1 TB. lemon juice
2 tsp. turbinado sugar
1 tsp. sea salt
2 tsp. basil
1/2 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. onion powder
2 TB. nutritional yeast

Healthy Nacho Cheese
1/4 cup raw cashews
1 red pepper
1 TB. lemon juice
3 TB. nutritional yeast
1 tsp. onion powder
1/2 tsp. garlic powder
1/4 cup cornstarch
1 1/4 tsp. sea salt
2 1/2 cup water

Prepare the Tofu cheese filling:
mash the tofu with a potato masher, then add remaining ingredients

Prepare the Healthy Nacho Cheese:
Put 1 1/2 cup water in a saucepan on high to bring to a boil
Put rest of ingredients for the healthy Nacho cheese
into a blender. Blend till smooth. Add to the water on the stove, and stir until thickened. (This will be like a thick white sauce.)


Make the layers in a 9x13 pan.
spray the pan
start with a thin layer of spaghetti sauce
then add 3 lasagna noodles
top with half the tofu cheese filling
then more sauce, and the beef crumbles
cheese sauce
then another layer of noodles,
tofu cheese filling
cheese sauce
another layer of noodles,
top with rest of spaghetti sauce
top with rest of cheese sauce

bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour. Let set 10 min before serving.