I Must Love Me Too

If you have neglected yourself,
make a sincere apology to thee.
Gather the "love-me-not-petals" of your life
and start counting "I-must-love-me-too".
In no time at all you have
a beautiful flower blossom within you. ~ Dodinsky Writings

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Dance Together

This quote appears on the gear that was designed by my dance instructor and repeated at every class and practice. I hope it inspires you as much as it has me.

If I acknowledge my beauty & talent, I do not have to envy your gifts.

If I recognize my strengths, I don't need to emphasize your flaws.
When I am aware of my power, I can enjoy the differences & similarities
of your fire. We can promote each other, delight in each other.
Dance with each other. ~Christina Kadlec